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The sweet spot for making callbacks to potential clients? Real Estate Jam Session Podcast guest Richard Blank Costa Rica's Call Center

Richard Blank: You're probably gonna get to the front of the line and you will be given your true chance to state your case and to earn this business.

Joe Killinger: Yeah. How often do you, if you, you can't get through two or three or four times, how often do you call them back? Every two weeks. Three weeks?

Richard Blank: That's a great question.

Richard Blank: Depends on the sense of urgency, the size of the list and what vertical you're calling about. Yeah. You could be. Over killing it. And then how many times can you be creative on a voicemail? I mean, after you're, you're just cussing '

Joe Killinger: em off, right? You know, Now they're just angry at

Richard Blank: you. It depends. You could be clever and you could talk about, unlike other people that are doing one thing, you're doing another.

Richard Blank: Or if this person is celebrating an anniversary, you could be calling on those days and saying congratulations on your 14th year. You could really time it perfectly for certain things that you know, they're celebrating if you want to do that. Um, You know, persistence is fine. Yeah. And as I mentioned before, sometimes people only prefer to do non-voice.

Richard Blank: Yeah. And I have to respect that. But if they're gonna be doing non-voice, then I'm gonna be expanding 50 times the descriptions of the emails that I'm gonna be sending to you. Mm-hmm. , or I might just, you roll the dice and go to page seven on your website and describe some sort of machinery or some sort of photograph you took with your crew.

Richard Blank: And mention how awesome that was. Why, Right? Why not ? We might as well try. And so, no, that's

Joe Killinger: it, right? You've gotta try and. Well,

Richard Blank: you're gonna catch my attention. Yeah. I mean, if you really take the time to Google me and to go to my website, it's obvious I've given you three things that will get you to, for me to take your call, write you back and say, Thank you, my man, for taking the time.

Richard Blank: Mm-hmm. , you know, it has to do with the beautiful art building, the pinball machines I have. Yep. And also the writings that I do with the empathy and the relationship I have with my agents. Those are the keys to unlock my door, to pitch me on buying or selling my building. Yeah, so I'll at least give you five minutes no more, and you have to earn more time after that.

Richard Blank: No one's giving you 20. It might just give you a minute. What I believe is that, Joe, you're buying time. I have a huge suggestion for you and it's a soft skill suggestion. Okay? A lot of people say you have to name drop 'em. Well, yeah, you do. But I would suggest doing a five to one name drop pronoun, where you're gonna say your, your, are your.

Richard Blank: Right, Joe , you know, so I think you set 'em up, set 'em up, set 'em up, power bomb. And so if you practice that sort of speaking structure to keep their attention, then there's a good chance you don't have to repeat something, ruin the tone of the call. Next thing you know, the information has to be done.

Richard Blank: Again, you don't want to walk home to get your homework. And so you should really slice and dice these calls very, very carefully. And I've even seen calls that had to go halfway in. And then you pick up where you're left off and as long as you take meeting minutes, as long as you're up to speed and can recap, maybe it is a 50% call.

Richard Blank: And then Joe and I go over next Thursday, next week to finish the call. And as don't be surprised when I call you back on Thursday on time and I am ready to go pen it. The ready the odds. Once again, Joe, are in our favor. Mm-hmm. ?

Joe Killinger: Yeah.

Real Estate Jam Session Podcast has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding taking a chance by moving abroad and starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica. Joe Killinger discusses with Richard advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict ma

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