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Carry on with Criselda Podcast. 5 Steps to Take a Risk and Live a Happy Life. Season01 Episode 21

Carry on with Criselda Podcast. 5 Steps to Take a Risk and Live a Happy Life. S01E21 How Richard Followed His Heart's Compass to Costa Rica

Podcast Host of Carry On with Criselda. Always floating along in life, never daring to reach for the extraordinary is how I got along for most of my life. Now having passed the midpoint of my lifespan, I asked myself one important question: Is this how I want to spend the second half of my life? Welcome to Carry On with Criselda, a podcast which will offer encouragement, direction, motivation and clarity for those in search of it. We will talk about ways to improve one’s life by using positive strategies that will make lasting changes in handling their thoughts and emotions. The way to reach the kind of life we seek is through improving our mindset, releasing negativity including the past, adopting a state of gratitude, seeking peace, setting boundaries and so much more. Offering hope and encouragement to others is at the heart of this podcast. Our goal is to lift up those who are looking for answers and a way to improve their lives and through this podcast, our intent is that they come out feeling better than they did before they listened.

Up until that point, I really had nothing to show as far as doing something with my life that I am passionate about and that I could share with humanity. Part of the reason I attribute to my private, quiet, introverted nature and the other part is knowing that it's not always easy. But I began to see and be inspired to finally step off my ledge. That was the birth of this podcast.

I am not a professional psychologist nor best-selling author nor award-winning anything. I am just a woman, who after way too many trials and errors, has finally gotten the hang of how to improve my life and I am more than happy, itching in fact, to share what I know, what I have learned, what works and what doesn't work. At the end of the day, all I want is to have a peaceful, balanced life.

Am I an expert in all things self-improvement? Heck, no! I realize I am going to be a student for life. And that's how we should all view life. We are students here who will always have new learning experiences as we navigate our own journeys. Only, we do not have to go at it alone. And I am passionate to offer the hope and encouragement that everyone needs now and then, as they go through the challenges of life.

Are you ready to take a risk and follow your heart's compass, just like Richard Blank did? Richard Blank was 27 years old when he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees at a call center in San Jose. He had the courage to leave his family and friends and move thousands of miles away. That's when he found his true passion and his wife. But Richard's story doesn't end there. He went on to become the Chief Executive Officer of Costa Rica's Call Center and now owns the largest collection of restored American pinball machines and antique jukeboxes in Central America. In this blog, I will outline how Richard Blank followed his heart's compass to Costa Rica, and the 5 steps he took to take a risk and live a happy life.

About Richard Blank

Meet Richard Blank: a successful entrepreneur, CEO, and collector of pinball machines and antique jukeboxes. Born and raised in Northeast Philadelphia, Richard moved to Costa Rica in his mid-twenties to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. During his 23 years in Costa Rica, Richard has established himself as a leader in the call center space, trained over 10,000 bilingual telemarketers, and created an environment of gamification and motivation that has led to a successful company. With a heart for the underdog, Richard seeks to empower and embolden his employees, believing that everyone deserves their dignity, and that those with leverage should extend empathy. He has also developed a passion for collecting pinball machines and antique jukeboxes which he enjoys both at home and at the call center with his employees

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