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Chaman goyal's Blog – September 2010 Archive (7)

Company Law Services - Company Incorporation, LLP, FCRA, NBFC, Registration, Procedures

A company is an association of persons with perpetual succession, legal entity that are performing for a common goal. Company is not affected by the death, insanity or insolvency of any individual members. Company is a unit or group of persons whose formation is generally done by registering the articles of Association and Memorandum of Association with the state registrar of companies of the state in which the head office of a particular company is to be located. All the members of a…

Added by chaman goyal on September 30, 2010 at 8:36am — No Comments

IPR law firms - 365companies Leader in offering IPR Services

IPR law firms offering IPR Services at affordable price to our global clients according to client’s requirements and expectations completely. To enhance customer satisfaction thorough offering quality IPR Services and having expertise and experience to solve client’s queries and IPR issues easily and completely. Law firm has a team of highly qualified and experienced attorney to advice and helps their clients in getting IPR Services at affordable price and depending on the budgets of…

Added by chaman goyal on September 30, 2010 at 7:16am — No Comments

Trademark Registrations with NBFC and FCRA for Your Company or Product

During this time where there is huge competition in the corporate world and every one wants to earn more profit than competitors. Now as due to huge competition, there seems to be such mentality in the corporate world of getting cheating, threatening, coping and such types of other things that misuses one’s researches or inventions in the form of product or service of any kind. To get rid of that ministry of company affairs and other ruling authorities laid some rules and regulations for…

Added by chaman goyal on September 28, 2010 at 9:55am — No Comments

Business Firm and New Company Registration Services around the World

Companies Acts of 1956 brings you with the detail list of various rules and regulations that are recommended to every type of company whether subjected to private sector or to public sector must follow that rules and regulation stated for company registration. In India companies are treated as separate legal entities which are registered under the companies act. Along with company formation its registration too is very important for its…

Added by chaman goyal on September 28, 2010 at 8:05am — No Comments

Company Law and IPR Services just a Click Away

A company is an association of persons with perpetual succession, legal entity that are performing for a common goal. Company is not affected by the death, insanity or insolvency of any individual members. Company is a unit or group of persons whose formation is generally done by registering the articles of Association and Memorandum of Association with the state registrar of companies of the state in which the head office of a particular company is to be located. All the members of a…

Added by chaman goyal on September 27, 2010 at 11:54am — No Comments

Trademark Services India – All Tm Services in one Click Away!!

Trademark registration is providing security from illegal use of that trademark, which is going to register. The owner of a registered trademark may also begin authorized dealings for trademark infringement to stop unauthorized use of that trademark. There are many numbers of people helpful of the numerous benefits of owning a trademark registration which has become the familiar with inclusive customer satisfaction in India. The…

Added by chaman goyal on September 17, 2010 at 6:02am — No Comments

Business Law Firms with Copyright, Trademark, PCT Filing Services

In this world every one has different dreams and some kind of unique ideas which can be beautifully converted into any product, services, words or pictures or into any other tangible things. But in now days there is too much competition in the international market that raises the chance of one's unique ideas and dreams of getting stolen by an unauthorized party. That vanish the beauty and originality of one's ideas and dreams. To protect one's creation and unique work or ideas there are…

Added by chaman goyal on September 14, 2010 at 7:32am — No Comments



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