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Trademark Registrations with NBFC and FCRA for Your Company or Product

During this time where there is huge competition in the corporate world and every one wants to earn more profit than competitors. Now as due to huge competition, there seems to be such mentality in the corporate world of getting cheating, threatening, coping and such types of other things that misuses one’s researches or inventions in the form of product or service of any kind. To get rid of that ministry of company affairs and other ruling authorities laid some rules and regulations for smooth functioning of business activities. Like fcra registration, nbfc registration, trademark registration, company registration, IPO listing, patent registration, company formation procedure, company registration and incorporation law are some of the company / business legal laws that one must be follow in order to get legal benefits.

Among all these types of company law services trademark registration is one of the areas of major concern as well as most important legal services for company as whole. Trademark comprises design; phrase word, logo and sometimes company used combination of all these elements for its trademark. Every country has its own rule for trademark registration like in India trademark registration procedures consists describe your trademark mark, image, logo, or symbol, then state when it was first used earlier if incase it was earlier, thirdly describe the list of products or services for which for which trademark will be used. Along with the above points, companies have to suggest the classification means types of services or goods under which the trademark should be registered. Under trademark classifications, out of 45 types of classes of trademark, 11 types are for services and 34 are for product types out of which company can select as per there interest.

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act registration id another types of legal service of corporate level where Ministry of home affairs of different countries handles the foreign contribution in the market. It is one of the important activities played by ministry of home affairs improper management can create a chance of increasing malpractices in the market. Apart from fcra registration there is another registration which is one of the important from corporate world point of view with named NBFC registration. NBFC is a type of non banking financial company that deals in financial activities like shares, debentures, bonds, shares, loans hat are issued either by government bodies or by local authorities. Here nbfc registration plays an important as to gain interest from investment bodies as there total business is depend upon interest of investors towards themselves.

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