OpenCoffee Club

Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet

Hi All,

Now that we have two Open Coffee sessions under our belts, I would like to invite you to share your thoughts about what is working and what is not in terms of the Open Coffee. Do you like the location? Do you like the coffee (an important part of an "Open Coffee"). Too little time? Too much time? Don't like the day? More often? Less frequently? Let your voice be heard before I schedule the next one.

Also, Trevor's request for the next session is that we all bring an issue we are having with our respective initiatives to the group (sounds like group therapy, but it's not ;-).

Looking forward to hearing from you!


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Good comments. To include Trevor or not include Trevor; that is the question? ;-) This month Trevor is traveling out of the country for most of the month and literally Tues, 1/6 was the only day I could get on his calendar. I believe the idea behind Open Coffee in other areas of the world was to center it around a VC's schedule so that everyone who wanted to could get 10 - 15 minutes of time with that VC. Add to that the networking effect of a lot of people coming together and you have something that works pretty well.

Does this mean that there is a meeting tomorrow? If so, when and where???

Catherine Sherwood




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