OpenCoffee Club

Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet

Calling all open source / free software start-ups.
Present your projects during a series of 7-minute slots to Venture Capitalists and major systems integrators at Open World Forum in Paris. Get a chance to be nominated and compete for the "Open Innovation Awards" that will be awarded by an international jury of experts to the most promising businesses innovating in the Open Source sector, and presented during the Open World Forum closing keynote address. Benefit from maximum visibility and media coverage.
Sign up or get more info here:

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Hello Martha,

We are running an OpenSource startup-project in Dresden, which is called LockSchuppen.

It is about OpenSource in the sense to create OpenEducation through use of state-of-the-art OpenSource- and FreeWare-Software.

The goal is to engage people to use their collective knowledge to create extraordinary results that are not yet possible in such way. Besides that the new technologies reduce carbon-footprint immensely.

Happy to hear from you, what you think of the idea.

Best regards

Sounds like a very interesting idea.

To apply, send the Innovation Summit team an email at and you will be sent a form to fill in. The selection of the companies presenting at the innovation summit will be made early september.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.
Hello Martha,

Sorry it took me a bit longer to reply. Thanks a lot for the hint, I have just written to them (for next years summit).

In the meanwhile LockSchuppen is slowly growing.

Best regards





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