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the following is snippet of an email I received from a previous client asking for insight ~ I felt inspired to share it because I believe it applies to more lives than just hers….I hope you ‘hear’ something in it for yourself ~ be well!

“I just am reaching out because I want to live and stop dreading things, I want to lead that inspired life, be that help to others….

I keep thinking, what if this was it, today, what if…. I don’t want to leave feeling like I do, the things that I currently do, they leave me feeling empty.

Thank you for your time and creating enough where I feel safe to write to you."

**my respone to my client**

(this is not a judgment) $50,000+/year & 6 months behind in paying rent makes me wonder how much of this is actually ‘your’ way of sabotaging yourself ~ please keep in mind, I’m not saying you’re to blame. I suspect there is a deep limiting belief running the show here & you as well as **** are creating these circumstances. Any limiting beliefs are merely stories about the past. They ARE NOT the truth. The gift here is you are aware! This awareness is making a HUGE difference in your kids lives. So begin playing with this…what are some disempowering beliefs you might have? You don’t deserve? You’ll never amount to anything? You have nothing to contribute? Make a list of them. From there, rewrite them ~ similar to an affirmation; however, I’d like for you to consider writing them in a journal as if you’re creating your very own rule book. You see, you’re still living according to someone else’s rules. It’s time for you to write the rules for your life in ways that support your heart’s desire.

You cannot create a life with **** without ****’s participation whether it be consciously or unconsciously. With this said, it’s great to look at what you would do if there were no limits, now you need to share this with him to discover how the two of you can consciously make this happen. This includes where you want to live, what you want to be doing, who are your friends (who do you want to be around because they bring out the best in you)?? Please keep in mind, your current situation is only temporary. It is the way it is AND it’s a reflection of previous thoughts, feelings, words & actions. If you don’t like what you’re seeing, it’s time to make a conscious effort to think, feel, speak & act differently. I say conscious for a reason. When you notice a negative thought, you shift it in that moment. How can you take what you’re thinking & turn it into a good one? Takes practice & gets easier.

As for your job, my initial thought is to tell your supervisor that your heart is not in this (do this after you’ve determined what you want to be doing ~ you’ve identified what you don’t want, now it’s time to identify what you DO want. My request is that you say it out loud. I want you to actually feel it in your heart. ++++, what you want to do DOES NOT matter to anyone. Anyone & everyone that loves you wants you to be happy. Being happy involves honoring your heart. Remember, ‘those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind’ ~ Dr. Seuss. So it’s REALLY important for you to not try and fix your life or right a wrong. All there is for you to do iso identify what you want to do and DO IT just because you said so.) You can give it a timeline (i.e. in 30 days, I’ll be doing blah, blah, blah,) AND this is going to involve trust. Trust in God & yourself to take care of you (there might be another limiting belief in here) My experience has demonstrated time and time again, the clearer we are about what we want, the more confident we feel. We also find the inspiration to take action and things just naturally happen in our favor. I know you’re scared & that’s just a very old story that’s currently taken control of your life. The more you begin re-writing your rule book, the more inspired you’ll be to shift and find yourself living a life that reflects your heart, not your head. So, give yourself permission to live. I can’t give it to you & neither can **** ~ it’s got to come from you. For some reason (in this moment), I’m compelled to reassure you that your mom completely agrees ~ it’s time for you to live your life & teach your daughter what a woman of passion is capable of. (YOU are a woman of passion)”

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