OpenCoffee Club

Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet

Folks, You all know Bangalore is the IT hub in India and is host to a large number of entrepreneurs. Why not meet at a CCD for coffee and brainstorm. We need this kind of informal meetings with the investors to get things kicking let Bangalore reach its true potential.

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Count me in.
Hi Ramjee,
wonderful idea. I'm from Delhi, comming over to Bangalore at the end of this month - your idea is very optimistic, lets meet!
Hey I would love to join this meeting!
Update: Guys all those who expressed interest for a Bangalore OCC, mail me at Also Please mention if you are currently in Bangalore.
I have blogged about OCC on my blog. Push it across to people who you feel might be interested. We will OCC Bangalore soon.
fantastic guys - we've been wanting to have OCC in India for a while now. why not delhi and bangalore? email when you have set up meetup/upcoming groups and i will put on home page. nice stuff. saul
Hey Ramjee,

I am also interested and in bangalore.

Thanks folks for all the interest. I have created an Open Coffee Club Bangalore group on Upcoming. Join that for updates on the meeting.

The following is the link:
Although I agree to you and I'd be very interested, I'm in Pune and not Bangalore. However, If I ever come over to Bang or if you ever come over to Pune drop me a line and we could collect some like minded folks and hold a opencoffee meeting.
Hi Folks.
Now its time for some action. How about meeting on 2nd June (Saturday at 4:00pm) at Cafe Coffee Day on MG Road.
If you have any other time/location in mind let me know.

Drop a confirmation at or add your self to
For updates.
Hello Guys. This is Vinay. I am a new member into Coffee Club. First of all thank you for starting this Blog. I work as a Lead Engg. in Comviva Technologies(Formerly Jataayu Softwares) in Bangalore. I am interested in meeting up with you fine people as it is my aspiration acquire as much knowledge as possible needed for becoming an entrepreneur. Could anyone please give me the contact details of the concerned person in OCC Bangalore in case I need more info. Thank you..




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