OpenCoffee Club

Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet

October 2008 Blog Posts (7)

Bored, there is nothing new under the sun

It's a Sunday afternoon. I just had coffee, ice cream, siopao, and Pepsi Max. None of my italki friends are online so I just sort of aimlessly surfed the web. It gets really boring when I cannot find anything new. It is either new information that would interest me are sunk deep in search engines or simply no one writes about them anymore. This simply means research into anything new should take a backseat and I should just refocus on creative pursuits like designing an app, writing code,… Continue

Added by Zaldy O. Co on October 26, 2008 at 10:30am — No Comments

Traveling Light (轻装上阵)

When I travel I only carry one bag.


4 years ago, I had a longer travel, months in America, I carried only one trolley bag.


If baggage is heavy it would be difficult to move.


Life is a journey.


It is our longest journey and like any other journey long or short, we have to travel light.


And to compete in life, we have to be lean and… Continue

Added by Zaldy O. Co on October 22, 2008 at 7:42am — No Comments

The Self-Sustaining Business Model

When an entrepreneur sets out to start a new business the main focus is usually the product or service to be provided. After all that is where our passion lies. As entrepreneurs, we believe in our products and services. We believe essentially in our ability to make a difference; to make things better.

Eventually, however, the focus turns to money. To make things better is going to take money. The old adage that, “it takes money to make money,” is usually true. The question is, “whose… Continue

Added by Eric Standlee on October 20, 2008 at 3:21am — No Comments

Speaking and Shopping in Cubao

I had a stint as General Evaluator (评价主人) or G.E. this afternoon at the Cubao Merchants Association Toastmasters Club. It was the first time I had fun being a G.E. as I did not experience jitters anymore and it was just only my 5th or 6th time to act as G.E. in any speech club.

Already in Cubao I decided to for some shopping. Went to… Continue

Added by Zaldy O. Co on October 11, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments

I made the MSN Environment Home Page

Added by Craig on October 5, 2008 at 9:53pm — No Comments

Affiliate Programs to help promote your business

Here are some affiliate programs that may help take care of your promotional needs.
Message Magic
Mammoth List
Team Work Pays
Viral Networks
I hope these will be helpful to people

Added by Walter Webb on October 2, 2008 at 7:47pm — No Comments

Wikimini, encyclopédie des enfants et des adolescentes, inauguration le 1er octobre 2008

L’encyclopédie pour enfants écrite par les enfants

Wikimini est une encyclopédie collaborative en ligne, libre et GRATUITE, dont les articles sont coécrits par des enfants et des adolescents de huit à treize ans.

Vous connaissiez Wikipédia, l’encyclopédie en ligne que chacun peut librement modifier ?

Aujourd’hui, enfants et adolescents imitent les plus grands. En mobilisant leurs connaissances et conjuguant leurs efforts, ils construisent leur propre… Continue

Added by Lingua Veritas on October 1, 2008 at 12:58am — 1 Comment



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