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"Talk to me, Goose. Talk to me." Where Do You Turn For Answers as a Small Biz/Entrepreneur?

A couple of days ago I was channel surfing and caught the beginning of the movie Top Gun...of course that is where I spent my next 2 hours. After the first hour I lost count of how many times I said the word "corny and "cheesy" to describe some of the dialogue.
If you get a chance, take a few hours and re-watch the movie but be prepared for the headache you will get from rolling your eyes.

(Click here for a funny post titled "Talk to me, Goose. Talk to me" from a 2003 post on by Bill Simmons detailing a lot of these corny lines and how it pertained to that years upcoming football season)

The reason I was watching TV in the first place was because I was working on mock ups for some future upgrades to Open Office Space, hit a BAD mental block and needed to clear my head.

In the past, instead of watching TV, I would have meandered over to one of the other entrepreneurs in my shared office space and chatted it up until I found the answers I needed to break through the given mental obstacle of the day.

About a month ago I moved into a new office space, and while awesome in many respects, it does not offer the same colloborative environment of the past.

So speaking of "cheesy", here is my segue.

Do you remember the scene in Top Gun where Maverick was rubbing his fallen partners Dog Tags while contemplating whether or not he should re-engage in battle? - "Talk to me, Goose. Talk to me." I am not sure why, but watching this scene made me realize the importance of doing a little soul searching before making a final decision on an office space. The goal being to identify the type of work environment in which we would be the most productive. Ex. collaborative, quiet and isolated, or bustling corporate.

If you are like me and depend on constant feedback, approval, naysaying and often tough love to help guide your business decisions, then a quiet and isolated environment might not be the right fit for your entrepreneurial intiative/small business. Just to be clear, isolated in this case might not mean there are no people around, but rather you cannot lean on anyone for feedback.

If you spend a few minutes searching the ever growing inventory of unused office space on our site, you will quickly see that the average asking rent has dropped and the amount of affordable spaces have increased. In other words, you can be a little bit more selective in your final decision.

Moral of the story, if you constantly need a "Goose" to lean on for direction or inspiration, make sure that your decision for a new office space is not only a function of the cost of rent but also finding the type of space that meshes most effectively with your individual/corporate personality.

Image Source: Top Gun Day

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