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Solution to World Financial Crisis - Join Toastmasters!

The world is now towards the melting point of the recession. A serious and endemic task for world leaders to surpass. As the subprime crisis fanned the flame towards all sectors of the society, dreams shattered, life despaired and hopes crunched. Like any other crisis in history, there is the experience of pain at this moment in time. Nevertheless, life floating amidst uncertainty towards the vast ocean of crisis, must go on and stay afloat. Time has been the best remedy to heal the pain. But how long? Great Minds amongst nations may have worked towards a solution across continent and sooner or later brilliant idea will pop out and carried on to change the history's course. But what do we the ordinary people supposed to do? Are we pure spectators or reactors who ventilate our depressed sentiments to infect other people to feel the same? or are we the catayst who try to analyze and begin a new reformation to change our ineffective style in our daily conduct of activities.This crisis freed up our time for us to re-examine our lives. A period for building ties and extend hands to build the future together among our circle of influence. We may not realize it, but crisis bring about the pause that the world urgently needs to recuperate from the fast pace of modern life. It's a time to re-examine and rebuild the foundation and framework of our societies. Where are we heading? and what's the best possible choices to obtain? We maybe ordinary but we could live extraordinarily by finding new ways to solve a crisis may it be personal or global. One by one, day by day, one step at a time but all together in one direction. For those who lost half or more of their net worth, it's painful but you need to stop the bleeding. It may be a time to form alliance and build the future with stronger hold or rechannel your time and energy towards gaining the skill or education towards another endeavour. The former applies to those whose time is scarce, while the latter to those whose time still in abundance. Now is the time to open our clenched fist and warmth heart of long lost ties and melt the heart of the adversities with open communication as we face the same crisis altogether.Open communication may be the first step, but only effective communication could effect the needed change. The world had witnessed the power of words in bringing hope across the nations. And as the world becomes flatter, our power to effect change as a single individual multiples faster.Make your idea turn into powerful words to effect solutions in hastening the recovery of our dreams. It could happen and the solution is in YOU!

Promote Change by expressing your solutions effectively thru the help of TOASTMASTERS.

Toastmasters is the leading organization that promote world peace thru effective communication & leadership.

Written By: Alex Yu (President of Greenhills PRIME Toastmasters Club)
District 75 ( Philippines)
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