To develop the next generation of entrepreneurs - Job creators instead of job seekers
-To educate students in the process of creating a business plan – enhance their skills in analyzing,
writing, and presenting business plans. Giving students an opportunity to give
shape to their ideas and put them in reality
-Engage students to learn about the new venture creation process through their team's efforts,
their work with faculty, and their presentations to the judges and leading
-Generate 2000 new ideas from across India – to become largest & the most prestigious b-plan
competition for students
-Pick the 100 most promising business ventures/ideas of the total pool of ideas generated
-The payoff for the winners will be the learning derived by going through the process of creating a
b-plan, interaction with investors & mentors and in some cases a potential
career option
•Intense mentoring from Entrepreneurial Nurturing Program (ENP) of TiE and
Incubation support
•Top 2 teams will get opportunity to showcase venture in-front of TES'10
audience(investors, entrepreneurs, professionals)
•Top 2 teams will get prize money worth Rs.50,000 each
•Complimentary One Yr TiE-Delhi-NCR membership
•Participation in TES’10(Asia’s Largest Entrepreneurship Summit) as an invited delegateRegistration closing on 31st Oct,2010visit
www.tiesummit.org/i2e for more details or snd ur queries i2e@tienewdelhi.org
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