Before I get started I just want to clarify, when I say bring "health and fitness" into your
office, I am not suggesting that you need to make room for a treadmill, I am strictly speaking of bringing the "health and fitness" mindset into your office.
Why I'm qualified to write this blog post - I hold a B.S. in Adult Fitness from Cortland State, have worked in the corporate fitness programs of several Fortune 100 companies, was the managing partner in a 30,000 sq. ft. health club and for over 17 years have been a personal trainer to hundreds of clients just like YOU.
So in no particular order, here are 10 reasons entrepreneurs MUST bring "health and fitness" into their
1) Stress Relief - As an entrepreneur, it is inevitable stress and you will become intimate coworkers. How you manage this stress will have a direct impact on your ability to perform at work, your general health and your sanity. A 30-45 minute exercise session is one of the most effective ways to keep your stress at manageable levels. (i.e. walk, jog, run, hit the heavy bag, hit the weights, go for a swim, whatever)
2) Productivity - Let me guess you work long hours and don't have time to fit exercise into your day. Some of the most successful/busy clients I have ever worked with were able to fit exercise into their schedule, but you can't? I cry Bu** sh**! You need to re-organize your schedule to make it fit.
An hour spent exercising before, during or after your workday coupled with a proper eating plan can help ensure that you have a generous amount of energy during the day and sleep more soundly at night. Two important commodities for its worth organizing your day accordingly.
3) Monkey See/Monkey Do - Whether you like it or not, you are a role model (the head monkey) to your employees. If your employees see that you are passionate about health and fitness, it is very likely they will follow suit. The result: more productive/creative employees, less "sick days" and possibly a better looking staff picture.
4) Self-Confidence - Your ability to sell your concepts, products and even yourself will often boil down to the level of self-confidence you are able to portray. Regardless of the starting fitness level of clients I have trained, one thing always held true, a noticeable improvement in self-confidence after only a few weeks of consistent exercise.
5) A Direct Connection Exists Between Exercise and Brain Performance - In today's challenging business environment, the slightest competitive advantage could mean the difference between a homerun venture and Chapter 11. Over the past several years, several research projects have delivered indisputable proof that exercise and brain performance are linked. Perhaps doing something (such as exercise) to strengthen the "noodle" can ensure you fall on the homerun side of the equation. For more on this topic you should read Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brainby John Ratey.
6) Improved Morale - A company that exercise together...well never mind that. The fact of the matter is that exercise often serves as a good opportunity for employees to get together outside of the workplace. I am convinced that one of the reasons many personal trainers are so well liked is they are in contact with people at a time when the beta endorphins are elevated. If you buy into this train of thought you can see how exercising together might result in a more cohesive staff.
7) Reduced Employee Turnover- Personal trainers often work with the same clients for years as their clients become dependent on the motivation, attention and direction offered by the trainer. If your encouragement has resulted in a workforce that feels good about themselves due to exercise, don't you think they will think twice before leaving you?
8) Improved Creativity - Many a great idea has been conceived on the treadmill. Regular aerobic activity improves the efficiency of the circulatory system ensuring more oxygen rich blood is delivered throughout the body..this includes the brain. Aerobic Exercise = the electricity to power the "light bulb" over your head.
9) Consistent Energy Levels Throughout The Day - Without getting into a scientific explanation, eating small meals (low in simple sugars) spread throughout the day will improve the likelihood that you will have a consistent level of energy throughout the day. Very big meals will often leave you feeling sluggish and unable to concentrate.
10) You Will Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Other Illnesses Caused From Inactivity - I recently came across a funny cartoon, a doctor is standing with his patient and says "What fits your schedule better, exercising one hour a day, or being dead 24 hours a day?" The daily stress we face as entrepreneurs can result in severe consequences to our health. Embracing "health and fitness" as a lifestyle can help prevent many of these illnesses before its too late.
Some actionable advice- I highly recommend hiring a personal trainer for 2 or 3 sessions every 6 months. Be clear that you are looking for an organized program that you can do on your own. Exercising with proper technique and intensity levels will help prevent you from getting injured and improve the chances you will see results...and stick to the program.
Time to put my entrepreneur hat back on and focus on making
Open Office Space one of those homerun businesses.
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