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owner of 4vision, Inc. a 20 year old software R&D company, and over the past two years we have developed a distributed, digital media network platform called the Nomad Storyteller Platform. Nomad enables end users to act as digital media consumers and producers of multimedia content that can
be shared across the network of Noamd users. User's are are provided personal work spaces called "digital portfolios", that are
hosted on their own devices (desktop, laptop, mobile), or third party storage services. Digital portfolios are used to manage the creation of multimedia content
and each users personal content.
An easy to use content editor and narrative based templates enables the user to create multimedia content in the form
of stories and narratives, while seamlessly integrated communications services such as Instant Messaging,
Voice Over IP, peer to peer collaboration and streaming services provide users many ways to share stories.
A key feature of the product is the integrated social network connector which enables the Nomad Platform to connect Nomad
digital portfolios across social networks based on user's like interests. Facebook and Ning are our initial social network
integration targets with Facebook boosting over 30 million users that potentially immediate user's of our services as a result of Nomad's
seamless integration with Facebook user Profiles..

I believe there are large opportunities in licensing Nomad to media companies in segments that include book, magazine, newspaper, information,
entertainment, and advertising, that make up the trillion dollar media industry. The industry is suffering serious revenue decline among all these sectors due to user's want and desire for unbundled new media content and services. As a strategic technology for these companies Nomad immediately enables them to re-purpose their legacy content into new formats required to create new digital media products and services.

The plan is to spin off a new company called Nomad Storyteller, Inc. that will be managed senior 4vision management. We are looking for investor for the seed round, and shares are offered on a convertible debt basis. Information about the product can be found at

For investment and, or product information please contact me at:

Wilbert Jackson

4vision, Inc.

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