Elect Andrew Haines for the Ohio House of Representatives in the 51st District.
Visit www.hainesforohio.com!
The district covers - Massillon, North Canton, Jackson Township, Plain Township.
Added by Andrew Haines on August 25, 2009 at 2:33am —
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The Global Professional Basketball League is currently looking for ownership groups for expansion teams throughout the US. Visit the league website at
The league will provide training and ongoing support. Expansion teams cost $1,000, yes that is correct only a thousand dollars. The expansion fee covers a custom designed team logo, website and a protected territory.
Contact info@thegpbl.com for more information.
Added by Andrew Haines on June 16, 2009 at 12:46am —
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Type: SERVICE BUSINESSES Contact: Andrew G. Haines
Company: Biz Sellers, Inc
Asking Price: USD $ 29,000
This is a well established Jet Ski rental business located near Buffalo, NY. Why own a jetski and use it 3 times a year when you can rent one for an hour. This business is built so you can walk right in and start making money.Assets Include: 2007 wave runner, 1996 wave raider, 10 x 14 hut, 300 gallon fuel tank, 30 life jackets, ship…
Added by Andrew Haines on April 6, 2009 at 6:38pm —
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I finally created a page on Facebook.com. It has been great to reconnect with some old friends and also to meet new ones.
I think it is a great way to network with people and have recommended to friends and family that they create a page and communicate with friends through Facebook.com.
You can view my page by clicking here.
Andrew Haines, Canton OH
Added by Andrew Haines on April 3, 2009 at 2:55pm —
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I am trying to learn more about all the social networking websites. I set up a Twitter account a few months back but haven't used it...until now.
Since I started my facebook page a few weeks ago I have learned a lot. I am not sure how I would operate without my blackberry! Now I can update my facebook page and twitter at the same time.
The TwitterBerry application works great with my phone. I also installed the Twitter Selective Status program on my facebook. I am select…
Added by Andrew Haines on April 3, 2009 at 2:53pm —
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It looks like we will be doing some work on upcoming campaigns for candidates running for the Ohio House of Representatives. The elections are in November 2010. Right now we are set to do several websites for candidates along with campaign planning, robocalls, and marketing.
We have been in talks with several candidates running for US Senate, US Congress, and state level races.
I'll update the blog with links to the sites and candidates we are doing work for. I will also…
Added by Andrew Haines on April 3, 2009 at 2:51pm —
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I just finished up work on the Stark County Democratic Party new website. The site is http://www.starkcountydems.com/. Since we launch Haines Consulting Group, we have really started making some progress. Here are some of the sites we completed over the past 2 months:
Elect Joe Cole - Canton City Council-at-Large http://www.electjoecole.com/
Joe Cole is the former president of the Stark County Young Democrats. He is working hard on his campaign and we are excited to be…
Added by Andrew Haines on April 3, 2009 at 2:47pm —
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We have an established minor league baseball team in Texas looking for a minority partner or two. The team is looking for a min investment of $10,000.
Contact me today, we also have expansion baseball teams available.
Andrew Haines
Canton OH
Added by Andrew Haines on March 27, 2009 at 8:05pm —
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I am trying to find an owner for a Franchised Smoothie Shop in Princeton, NJ. $25,000 includes all the equipment. It is in operations now. The Franchisor is currently operating the store until an owner can be found.
There are also several other locations available at the normal price of about $100K give or take, depending on the location.
Andrew Haines
Canton, OH
Added by Andrew Haines on March 27, 2009 at 8:03pm —
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In an effort to expand Biz Sellers, we have decided to license territories throughout the US. This will allow people to operate their own business using our proven system.
We will provide training, and ongoing support along with all the administrative duties. Great opportunity for someone with little money to invest. Anyone interested should email: ahaines@thebizsellers.com or visit the website at http://www.thebizsellers.com/.
Added by Andrew Haines on March 8, 2009 at 5:55pm —
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Take a look at Haines Consulting Group - http://www.hainesconsulting.com/.
Specializing in professional sports consulting and political consulting.
Andrew Haines
Added by Andrew Haines on March 8, 2009 at 5:53pm —
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My company Biz Sellers has been hired to help find buyers for expansion teams in a national indoor soccer league. The league has teams in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
Expansion fees are under $50,000.00.
This is a great opportunity to own a professional sports…
Added by Andrew Haines on January 24, 2009 at 9:30pm —
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