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Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet

Taige Zhang
  • Male
  • United Kingdom
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  • marcipa
  • webgravity
  • George Anagnostopoulos

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1and1 google adsense domains

You can't just follow google's instructions to verify your 1and1 hosted domain for adsense because 1and1 doesn't allow you to have a long cname. After searching online and then playing around for a bit I found the solution. I didn't know if it would work, but it does so I'm writing the instructions:

1. Got
2. Select the domain ->DNS->Change nameserver to
NS (nameserver)
NS (nameserver)
NS (nameserver)
NS (nameserver)
(this is what you should have already done)
3. You might have to wait up to 24 hours. On Google Adsense click my ads, and then choose domains. It should tell you the domain isn't verified. Click on details. It should show
Host name/Alias Record Type Value/Destination Detected at 17/12/2010 10:26
www CNAME (alias) {###########}
4. Copy the {######} part
5. Go to 1and1 and create a subdomain with {######} as the subdomain. Basically, paste that in front of your domain.
6. Forward the subdomain we just created to
7. Go to adsense domain section and click on Recheck All Domains

Then it should work!

It should look something like this

keynote change theme font

It took me 20 minutes to figure this out even after reading the top results on google for the search term "keynote change theme font". It's not really answered by any websites out there so I decided to make a quick post about this.

I read these site which didn't help.

I should write something here, but it's not working:

So here's how to do it.

1. Open the white theme (or whatever theme you like to modify).
2. Drag this down.

3. Create your master slides.
4. Define your standard textbox fonts by putting a textbox in the blank slide. Change to desired default font. Select the text box.

5. Choose define text for all masters.

6. Save theme.

list of social networking sites by country

I'm compiling a list of all the significant social networks in the world by country and markets. I'm not done yet but I've embedded the google doc. You can help me edit it and finish it using this link to the google doc. The document below is updated every 5 minutes.

List of Sanofi-Aventis Major Businesses & Drugs

Sanofi-Aventis - Aventis
Sanofi-Aventis - Sanofi-Synthelabo
Sanofi-Aventis - Ambien

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United Kingdom
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Have you guys done this? It's really useful to plan your trips. From Azitravel:…


Posted on March 6, 2010 at 1:00pm

Comment Wall (13 comments)

At 12:35pm on March 3, 2009, Sebastian Komianos said…
Do you mind me posting your message on my blog? I think that's the best way to get more replies, in terms of participation. I can provide your email address, at the end of the post, so people can send their answers directly to you. Furthermore, there are some other greek blogs that could help you as well, shall I forward the message to those two?
At 12:39pm on March 3, 2009, Kåre Mulvad said…
Hi Taige
See my answers below.

Question 1:

How entrepreneurial do you consider yourself? Your peers? Your area in general? How do you think it compares to US, rest of EU, UK?
I see my self as very entrepreneurial having started company more than once. Though non of wich is alive today ;) I know other start-ups arround Denmark, naming: (you could contact her if you wish) (i don't know them but they are danish)
I think Denmark in general is focused on the good idea, and creativity. Maybe because of our small size a comparrison to US is hard. But in general i think the spirit of US is favourable to start-ups compared to danish/EU. Though the minds of EU/Denmark probably come up with the most inovative ideas :)

Question 2:

Do you feel you have enough local resources to start your business? What are they? E.g. News sites, blogs, groups, VCs. How adequate are they? How easy is it for a startup?

Depending on where you live in DK the funding from STATE is different. Though their is a high focus on this in Denmark and is becomming better and better. There are a LOT of start-up help organisations. And on TV there are generally a lot of shows/programs about start-up/ideas and how to get help and succeed.

I think in general it's never easy to be a start-up - but then again if it was easy. Anybody would do it, and then there is no real value in it anymore. You neeeed that struggle to make it work. If you don't hit a wall you won't harden...

Thank you for your time and answers. Please let me know if you would like to receive the results of my research. Thank you.

Yes that would be interesting to read :)
At 2:08pm on March 3, 2009, Kåre Mulvad said…
yeps - should have used a form...
At 2:49pm on March 3, 2009, Tara Kelly said…
Hello. More than happy to help. I'll reply by email. Cheers.
At 5:34pm on March 3, 2009, PragueBob said…
Q1: I'm quite entrepreneurial, having been involved in 3 startups so far in Prague. Many of my peers are entrepreneurial. Prague is very entrepreneurial I think, but I cannot give you the hard statistics compared to other countries, just that I know of many startups. Q2: Definitely enough local resources to start a business, many entrepreneurial groups, VCs and the like. Prague is a good place for a startup.
At 5:58pm on March 3, 2009, Tara Kelly said…
No problem. Let me just answer here... faster than an email:

1. Yes, I'm entrepreneurial. My peers are as well, but there's a general lack of business know-how in general. There's nothing even remotely similar to the startup scene in the US or UK. Some community building initiatives are gaining traction, but there's a long way to go. Italy is far behind in the startup scene.

2. Starting up in Italy is an uphill battle. There are few resources, and only a handful of VCs. A lot of the money is tied up in public funds, and the real sore spot is lack of proper finance law (for example, preferred stock is *illegal*). Starting a company requires red tape and is quite expensive, while the service industry like lawyers, accountants etc tend to bleed small companies while being not very well informed about global issues.

On the upside, we've got a boatload of talented people with crazy innovative ideas. And prolific bloggers. :)

At 3:29pm on March 4, 2009, Georgi Kadrev said…
Answer 1:

Pretty entrepreneurial in the last two years - starting 3 big start-ups that happen to be small :)
Most of my close peers are also entrepreneurial as I've met most of them
on entrepreneurship events or classes.
Still there is not enough entrepreneurial spirit in my area, probably because of the post-socialistic reality. However in the last few year this spirit continually arises and there are some young business guys, not only old "fat" businessmen.
Currently - light years away form US/UK as there is no built ecosystem. Mostly sporadic, though heroic ventures. I'm not enough informed how things are in the rest of EU, as I mainly use US for reference.

Answer 2:

In general people and organizations are open for win-win partnerships, at least the good companies. However - still organizations are quite slow although their size is relatively small according to world standards, but big-enough-to-be-slow for our national standard.
The VC funding is in its baby years, at least in the tech sector. There are only two tech-oriented VC funds. The angel investing is also in its infancy and usually individual.
Hmm... what to say :) Despite everything that I wrote I could say that starting a start-up here is pretty interesting experience. Probably if you mange to do it here, you'll can do it almost anywhere afterward ;)
At 3:20pm on March 5, 2009, webgravity said…
Hi, I just forwared your questions to the Open Coffe Sofia meet up group, I think there are more people that might help you get the answers...

All the best,

At 1:07pm on March 6, 2009, Oliver Gassner said…
answered your questions via mail ;)
At 6:28pm on March 10, 2009, Tara Kelly said…
Social Networks: -- not unlike opencofee's ning, with starups, investors both present. A decent amount of activity, organized by Tech journalist Emil Abirascid. -- mini social network backed by a seed fund (dPixel). They also organize pitching competitions under the same TechGarage brand

Ahh... there are tons. A good person to ask is Nicola Mattina, he knows all the local top bloggers:

Good luck!

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