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trademark registration


trademark registration

Trademark registration is one of the most important registration processes, which can protect your brand. Throughout the country. For more information about trademark registration on

Location: Delhi
Members: 1
Latest Activity: Sep 24, 2009

Registering a trademark name is the most very important steps for any entrepreneur and makes sure that your products, business names, services, or logos stay unique to your business. Registering a business name as a trademark is not quite as difficult as coming up with that name. Both the name and the trademark should be unique and meet the requirements in order to be approved. Trademark registration gives notice to the public of the registrant's claim of ownership of the mark, a legal presumption of ownership nationwide, the limited right to use the mark on services set forth in the registration, the ability to bring an action concerning the mark in federal court, the use of the U.S. registration as a basis to get registration in foreign countries, and the ability to file the U.S. registration with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to stop importation of infringing foreign goods.

The trademark application is required, if you want to register your trademark in India. This application mostly comprises of the power of attorney and priority document. It should be noted that an undisputed registration process is finished within twelve to fifteen months. The term of a trademark is ten years, but after ten years it can be renewed after applying to the trademark office India. The advantages of trademark registration for the small or midsize online business should be considered. A registration mark is more impressive to a recipient of a cease-anddesist letter. Litigation, for the small online company, is often not feasible, so the ability to bring a lawsuit and claim certain enhanced damages is possibly of secondary importance to you.

Sometimes, Trademark registration is considered a very lengthy and cumbersome process, but under the guidance of trademark registration law firm India the process becomes very convenient and easy to follow. Filing requirements of India trademarks have been divided into two heading, individual applicants and corporate applicants. Therefore, the individual applicants have to furnish information such as address, name, nationality, and nature of business, trademark to be applied for, list of products or services, international class and priority details if any such claims have been made. On the other hand corporate applicants are required to furnish name, address, kind of incorporation, country of incorporation, nature of business, trademark to be applied, and print of the trademark, list of products and services and international class.

Before filing a trademark application for registering your company in India with the USPTO, you should conduct a trademark search in order to make sure that no one else has filed the same trademark. Trademark search is highly advisable to conduct a trademark search before filing an application for a trademark. A basic free trademark search includes applications for trademark registration in India. This search is only for information, but every possible effort has been made to ensure accurate results. Trademark registration in India varies depending upon the kind of product to be trademarked. Registrability of a collective trademark has a specific process and should be done after filing in the given form along with the payment of fee. In such case the organization can get the trademark after permitting its members usage of the same. The regulation should appropriately specify facts including the persons authorized the usage of trademark, condition of usage of trademark, condition of membership and relationship of such member with the organization and details of membership.

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