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Thought you folks might be interested in my 2min video pitch for to enterprise decision makers. It's not Kyield- specific (we have reverted back to stealth mode and tightened security), but rather just on the broader technologies and potential, with an emphasis on universal standards. 


Semantic enterprise elevator pitch


Kyield doesn't need to embrace universal standards-- indeed I've had CEO level discussions with multiple top ten computing companies that may have resulted in substantial exit already if we had not embraced independent standards-- it's not only the right thing to do, but is also the trend line so long-term right call/ short term pain.


We came very close to relocating Kyield twice in recent weeks as we shifted our strategy from a license/exit to build, which requires a different set of strengths and resources. Possible here in SF for us, but frankly more challenging. We enjoy living here.


Kind regards, 


Mark Montgomery

Founder & CEO

Kyield   /

Initium Venture Capital

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