Alright folks, here's the skinny. The date for the inaugural Chicago OpenCoffee Club is going to be
Wednesday, August 15th at 10am. I figure for those that would prefer not taking the day off can take a Wednesday morning off, which isn't so horrible, and those in the Loop already can take an extended coffee break. As far as venue, it will be at Argo Tea, 16 W Randolph St. We'll have the entire second floor to ourselves. My company will be footing the beverage bill so pasteries and the like will be on you to get, but the coffee/tea is on us. We just want to see the Chicagoland tech community flourish and this is a great opportunity for just that.
Remember to sign up/RSVP at the Yahoo Upcoming group I created, located at so we know what kind of crowd to expect and plan for. Talk it up with your buddies and co-workers, I'll get some buzz going as bests I can as well! Remember:
Aug. 15th, 10am @ Argo on Randolph.