OpenCoffee Club

Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet - Kumar's Comments

Comment Wall (27 comments)

At 5:28pm on July 19, 2007, BAPac said…
At 5:39pm on July 19, 2007, Vickey Stamps said…
Good luck with your ventures. I am a retired nurse, writer and wannabe artist. I have many hobbies. I am no one famous, as I've done little with it (due to lack of not knowing the 'right door to open' with my writing. ) I do appreciate the hard work of those who have succeeded in the business world. Hubby and I have 3 great grand children and another on the way. Take care and visit my website, when and if you have the time for some inspiration and entertainment not to mention a view of how I write. Should I ever become 'noteworthy' with my words and make a profit, I have promised my Lord that 50% of that profit will be given over to the sick and homeless folks in true need....SO WISH ME LUCK even at the age I am becoming. Thanks for the invite into your world and I wish you luck once more. Vickey S.
At 5:58pm on July 19, 2007, Niko said…
Thank You Kumar!
Regards to India!
At 6:04pm on July 19, 2007, Paula Molinero said…
Hi Kumar, thanks for the invite.
At 11:09pm on July 19, 2007, Paolo Marras said…
interesting stuff,
I will study your web site...
At 11:45am on July 20, 2007, John Hammink said…
Thanks for the invite. I'll study your website too.

At 12:37pm on July 20, 2007, Henry Simmons said…
Hey, how are you? Im henry, maybe we can speak about my idea sometime ;)

Here is my MSN
At 12:50pm on July 20, 2007, Dimitriadis Dimitris said…
Thanks for the invite!
At 1:53pm on July 20, 2007, Maheswar Gunampally said…
thanks for the invite
At 11:22pm on July 20, 2007, vksfound said…
thanks for the invite
At 1:29am on July 21, 2007, yoyoteam said…
Thanks to invite!!!
At 2:09am on July 21, 2007, yasnao said…
Hi Kumar,
Thanks for your invitation!
At 6:24pm on July 22, 2007, Azzam said…
Thanks for the invite chief
At 6:46pm on July 22, 2007, markius said…
Hey, Kumar thanks for the invite.
At 4:02am on July 23, 2007, Hugo Estrada said…
Hi, thanks for the invite!
At 7:48am on July 23, 2007, Ville Vesterinen said…
Thanks for the invitation Kumar!
At 8:30am on July 23, 2007, Martin Villig said…
Kumar seems to be a nice guy, but I dont know him, yet :)
At 2:27am on July 24, 2007, Bing J. Jaleco said…
thanks for the invite
At 3:16pm on July 26, 2007, Adriano De Vita said…
Thanks for contacting me and adding me to your friends.
At 6:23pm on July 27, 2007, Shiva said…
whats up for me!

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