I enjoy sitting at sidewalk cafe in Paris, watching the world go by...
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I just hope that you are a good person, as good
as you are with business. Good people is very
important always, but really in the world we live
in today, so continue to live well and give well, but
most of all do the best to be remembered.
Sincerest Regards,
At 6:43pm on September 23, 2008, Patricia Ann said…
Un simple bonjour, a bientot j'espere.Patricia A. R Ghaleb
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Check this out:
I enjoy sitting at sidewalk cafe in Paris, watching the world go by...
if you work internationally you can enjoy more of your wealth if you check out www.fxaworld.com
the world's first and only member to member currency exchange.
You will find you will save circa 5% on transactions upto $100,000 ... which is worht having...
Enjoy your coffee...
I just hope that you are a good person, as good
as you are with business. Good people is very
important always, but really in the world we live
in today, so continue to live well and give well, but
most of all do the best to be remembered.
Sincerest Regards,
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