Hi there. I just launched my website www.sellandrentbyowner.com two months ago. I would love to have you critique my site so that I can make preparations to present to investors. I welcome all feedback! What features can I add/remove to improve the site? Is it easy to navigate?
Hi, I just joined. This feedback is a little late but figured I'd offer what I can.
I like the layout and the colors. Its easy to navigate and intuitive.
On the home page I think you have some unused real estate on the top banner you could put to better use. That large block of gray space to the right of your logo could be used to put some caption or something. It just seems like prime real estate that is unused.
On the home page you have a page title that says Free online listings for Renting and Selling Real Estate, Autos, RV's, and Boats.. This is great. However, on all the other pages you have page title of SARBO. Not sure what that means but that is not likely a term that is going to help google users find your page. Page titles are used by google to help identify what your site is about so you should change these page titles to talk about the page they are on...ie. boat rentals, rv rentals, etc.. use a good descriptive term here. The page title is the term that is shown in the very top left of your browswer window when you bring up a web page.