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how everywhere Goldman Sachs goes the economy is sure to crumble ... When do we put these robber's and thugs in a deep dark hole and make examples of them. We have kids who made one terrible mistake as adolescents and are in prison for life without parole because they went out drinking one niight and a guy they were with decided to accidentally kill someone... and these white collar criminals, who commit premeditated crimes that destroy entire communities and effect countless numbers of people and immoral activities as adults, knowing full and well what they have done has left a swath of destruction and despair across America and neither the law nor the consciences allows them any trauma over it - they walk , they get away with murder... The crash... which they caused and then got paid for, cost me money and ruined my business as a small broker - The goverment's reaction was , in the middle of my income being 1/3 of what it was, thay made me spend $800 I did not have on a license I did not need for a job i have been doing just fine, with no complaints and no fraud for 12 years. Every other industry got deregulated to the point of destruction, see Massey Coal and Gulf of BP disaster... While indictment's have been levied and accusations flung, they have not gone after their friends at the Street just yet, and I predict that heads will not roll, and the entire thing gets whitewashed - wanna bet ??? How much ??? Wall Street is a toxic disease on the entire planet...and I am a liberal inside the belly of the beast

In the movie “Network”, Peter Finch’s character encourages people to go to their windows and to their rooftops and shout” I am as mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore.” Maybe now is the time. I wish I could organize it. Even though we have it better than the rest of the country, wow - people are really hurting out here - I myself am mortgage broker, and have been scrambling to save my own home. I had a 30 year fixed, not an ARM and am only 70% mortgaged, not subprime, not one of those community redevelopment deals, can’t blame ACORN for this one, still I am sinking - I have 100 stories of hard working formerly middle class people who either have lost or will this year lose their homes and business. Even worse, some will lose their relationship and have health issues, just due to the stress. We are literally, getting killed by this. How does anyone take a bonus and get money from the government when people are criticized for taking 2-3 hundred a month in food stamps to subsist. How do these people sleep at night? They must be loaded on Ambien or something - How do you just screw with an entire country and get away with it. These people will be brought to justice, I mean, correct me if I am wrong but some people need to go to prison.

As a former psychotherapist, it occurs to me that these people have a form of an addiction, an addiction not only to money, but to running down other people to make themselves feel better. It stems from having parents who substituted money and things for love and attention. The child has an empty spot in their heart that they try to fill with money, because as children, money and the things it buys was all they got, but all they wanted was to be held or read to. This must occur at the expense of others, so as to put themselves up by putting others down. It is not enough to get money, they have to keep getting it and they have to keep others down, so that they can feel better about themselves, based on their status.

Basically, they weren't loved the way they wanted to and they are just a bunch of mean little bullies, who must not have any spiritual beliefs and must believe they will not have to face up to their crimes against humanity here or in the afterlife. Why am I writing this? Do I think it will do any good? I don’t care – I am telling the truth. I believe that the right wing still has designs on destroying the concept of a middle class and that they must conquer and win or risk the total nervous breakdown that they have been trying to mask since childhood. Their mantra is “As long as I am better off than you all, I am OK”. They are scared tormented and small-minded people with no sense of self. They are quite numb and in denial of having any issues or anything to learn here on Earth. They are here to get as much as they can, not to give and certainly not to learn, unless that learning turns into a fat paycheck. They usually have addiction disorders, usually alcohol, tobacco and prescription meds, because they are legal. This allows them to think they are OK and are not “drug addicts, like those darned left wing hippy freaks”. It is all about creating a façade of normalcy. This accounts for their ideological bent and their dogmatic loyalty to living in an artificially created “Constructed Reality” in which they are right and others are wrong, God is on their side and others are “evil doers”. This is why Bush couldn’t admit he made a mistake. Looking infallible is all part of the process and construction of “The Façade” – See The Catholic Church – subject of my next tirade.

All this is happening for a reason. This way of being is not sustainable and must be recognized as a mental health issue. The Three Dog Night, a musical group that some of us remember,r had a hit called “Easy to be Hard” , which started with the lyrics -“How can people be so heartless? How can people be so cold?” - Easy – they have hearts of stone. They easiness with which hardness comes to them is indeed not that hard to understand, once you recognize Greed for the mental illness that it is. I am reminded of the character of Mr. Potter, in the Christmas classic I obligatorily watch each year, “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Mr Potter represents the upper class, while the Bailey Bank and Trust represents the little people, the ones that rally around George and rescue him in the end, because of the Good Karma they have reaped. Rather than the concern for individuals shown by George Bailey, Mr Potter goes out of his way to steal the lost money that Uncle Billy was depositing. He would rather run down the “Competition” , which the Baileys barely were, even if it means committing a crime, in this case, out and out theft, in order to be better than them and at the cost of the entire communities well being. Those of you who aspire to wealth, be careful what you ask for, you might get it. There is still a requirement for those who can to help those who cannot and with that wealth comes responsibility.

We forget that in the Old Testament, when Cane asked God “Am I my Brother’s keeper?” the answer was “Yes, yes you are.” Many positive things will come out of this but not without us all uniting as a community, a State and as a Nation. We have the leadership now. It is up to each and everyone of us to engage and reactivate the democratic process. We must arm our leaders with the ammunition to get our agenda underway. We must support at the grassroots level, the things that we fought for, and won the election for. As Barack said “WE WON” and let’s not be bullied around and talked out of anything by a bunch of scared, mentally disturbed individuals who want us to think they are the adults, they know everything and they are in control. Which reminds me of another classic movie, “The King of Hearts”. The Americans arrive to liberate a town in Europe after WWII. When they liberate the nearby institution, they find the staff of the asylum is a little loopy. As it turned out, all the “Sane” people had run off, in fear and the patients were running the asylum.

We need to come together and fund each other and show them that we as entrepreneurs can do this without them and their dirty filthy stolen money - Call me for direct private money sources that have never bet against any of their clients ! One positive solution oriented idea is the formation of networking communities like this community. If you are interested in this, please write in. If you have any other creative solutions I would love to hear them. Reach me at 800 381 8194 or

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