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How to Get Free Email Mail Marketing that Converts Like Crazy

First... Set Up a Free Account With a Company that is White Listed...

There are many email marketing companies that offer free campaigns, but two stand alone as the best.

1) iContact - Included in their free package is a 31 page white paper that will make even the most novice marketer an email pro. They have a fully integrated survey sytem along with email scheduling capabilities. iContact also has the best selection of templates, so you do not have to spend alot of time creating your own.


2) Constant Contact - Although they come in a close second place, they have an excellent system that insures maximum delivery of all of your emails. Their html email creator is very easy to use, allowing you to create customized emails for each campaign.


Second... Create Your Email Using Viral Techniques

1) Subject Line - Keep it short and simple to be most effective. Stay away from using subjects lines like "Open Me," "Important," and anything else that is misleading. It should have a few words that tie directly to your message in the body.

Go Deeper...
4 Tips for Effective Subject Lines
15 Rules of Writing Subject Lines

2) Content of Body - Be quick and to the point. People will not bother reading anything that is more than one paragraph long. It should give them a quick taste with a few sentences and then offer the link to click on.

Go Deeper...
Writing Compelling Email Copy

3) Timing - The time and day of the week is very important when it comes to email marketing. On Monday, everyone has a load of email from the weekend to go through so that is the worst day to send. Only the weekend has a worse open rate. Tuesday 11am-1pm CST is the ideal time. This time slot usually catches people coming back from their lunch break when they are not quite ready to get back to work.

Third... Test, Test, and Test Some More

1) Landing Pages - You should have at least 3-5 landing pages testing different sales points. You can have one landing page that has everything on it from the pitch to the form. Another landig page may have a few points on each page, offering for them to click to the next page or buy now.

Go Deeper...
3 Tips for Landing Pages

2) Price Points - This is a big one that most people fail to do, and they end up selling a product at $29 that would have sold just as many units at $39. Test at least 3 price points.

Go Deeper...
Pricing Strategy 101

3) Subject Lines - Although you are keeping an eye on open rates. It is more important to focus on overall conversion. Test at least five good subject line variations.

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