I just finished up work on the Stark County Democratic Party new website. The site is http://www.starkcountydems.com/. Since we launch Haines Consulting Group, we have really started making some progress. Here are some of the sites we completed over the past 2 months:
Elect Joe Cole - Canton City Council-at-Large http://www.electjoecole.com/
Joe Cole is the former president of the Stark County Young Democrats. He is working hard on his campaign and we are excited to be part of it.
Stark County Young Democratic Club - http://www.starkyoungdems.com/
Stark County Young Dems is one of the democratic clubs in Stark County. Since I am the current president, it was easy to get the work! The site has been live for a few months.
Stark County Democratic Party - http://www.starkcountydems.com/
This is the official website for the Stark County Democratic Party. We expect to make some upgrades to it in the future.
Astabula County Democratic Party - http://www.ashtabuladems.com/
This is the official website for the Ashtabula County Democratic Party. We expect to make some upgrades to it in the future and are still waiting on additional content from the party. Once we have all the content the site will be 100% complete.
We are also now set up to do printing and have a relationship with a union printer. Our company can be a one stop shop for any level campaign. Robo calls, printing, campaign management software, campaign planning, polling, opposition research, website design and development, and much more.
We put together another site which we operate call BuildM y Campaign. The website is http://www.buildmycampaign.com/
We are working on several other projects and hope to add more in the near future!
Visit us online at http://www.hainesconsulting.com/.
Andrew Haines
Canton, OH
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