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There are many top colleges in UK which offer the MBA courses for full time and part time. Here is the list of few schools which are among the best in mba schools in uk. The duration is also mentioned as per required by different students.

1. London Business School
2. Canfield School of Management
3. Edinburgh University Management School
4. Manchester Business School
5. Ash ridge Management College
6. Imperial College University of London
7. Warwick Business School
8. Lancaster University
9. City University Business School
10. University of Bradford Management Centre

There are wide list of short courses in uk which you can opt for and you can get good placement too for this. These courses are listed as the CISCO short courses, FASS short courses, Department of Education, Sir John Cass Faculty of the Art, Media and Design short courses, Language Learning and Training, London Financial Academy, London Met Oracle Workforce Development Programmed, London Metropolitan Polymer Centre, Management Development Unit, Professional courses in Business and Management, Professional training for translators and interpreters, Refugee Assessment and Guidance Unit (RAGU), Study of the modules as part of your Continuing Professional Development, Short Courses (Humanities, Arts and Languages)

The education in uk is a very well devolved matter with each of the countries of the United Kingdom having separate education systems under the separate governments. The UK Government is responsible for all the England, and the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Northern Ireland.Executive are responsible for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, respectively. While the education systems in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are more similar, the Scottish system is quite different from that.For the details of the uk education in each country, you need to check out the Education in England, The Education in Northern Ireland, The Education in Scotland, The Education in Wales.

The Medical Schools of United Kingdom are very proud of the talented doctors they produce every year on a great scale. The versatile field of the Medicine has been respected all over the world throughout centuries of the centuries. Many upcoming medical students dream of becoming reputed medical professionals some day from the University of UK. Some of the best medical schools in uk can be found in the Universities list as per your need:

•University of Cambridge
•University of Oxford
•London School of Economics
•University of St. Andrew's
•Imperial College London
•University of Durham
•University College London
•University of Bristol
•University of Warwick

Some best Medical School's link in UK is given below which are best among the above:
•Medical Schools in England
•Medical Schools in Ireland
•Medical Schools in Scotland

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