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Chinese New Year the Greatest Celebration among the World

chinese new year now a days are no more less than a festival included in people's life. Continuing the oldest Gregorian calendaring which new year falls on 1st of January, new year has become a national festival in India.1st of January is celebrated nationwide and even given as a holiday at many places. The excitement to celebrate the day is present everywhere. Generally people look forward to start new projects or things they had been planning this day. The day is shaped by different customs and traditions. Each culture celebrates this day in there own unique ways.
chinese new year eve is a beautiful reason to celebrate. Performers from Bollywood try giving performances to entertain people with there dance and music. Even professional dancers and musicians look forward to entertain people with there performances to cheer up people. A metro city owns the majority attraction for parties, sumptuous dinner and crackers light up the sky at the midnight.

Cruises are now the best considered option for a relaxed and luxurious outing on the 1st of January. Not only people from the higher society consider this option but now the people with small pocket and big heart of enjoyment spend and celebrate New Year in style. The cruises offer there customers incredible star services which is attracting all the sections of society. The sea water breeze, amazing sightseeing spots gives 1st of January a taste in its pride.

New Year eve parties are altogether having a different view to enjoy. They are attracting almost all age groups. It’s a great source of enjoyment and entertainment. These parties are held in almost all the parts of the country but goa is the place which attracts all the people from different regions, giving a new chance to the do’s to perform and make people dance on their beats. New Year Eve Celebration involves partying and jumping on the floor until the clock strikes midnight. Drinking, Dancing, Eating and Enjoying are the part of celebrations. Even the typical Indian families party in their own simple ways. Scrabble, Bonfire, Musical Chairs, Memory Games, Passing the parcel is a part of games.

New Year calendar convey the heartiest feelings to the loved ones and helps in mutual understanding with the loved ones and even at work. New Year is no more different than any other Indian festivals. The new trend is publishing calendar and wishing the loved once a prosperous new year ahead. New Year Calendar is specially designed for all your knowledge considering the depth of the relations.

A Chinese Lunar Calendar indicates the moon phase. It is synchronized with the movement of moon. The best example here can be the lunar calendar is the Islamic Calendar 2010. The Most of the lunar calendars are also lunisolars, such as the Hebrew or the Chinese and may be Hindu calendar. The reason behind this is that of a year is not evenly divisible by an exact number of lunations, so without any corrections in the calendar year will drift with respect to the seasons.
According to the Chinese traditional calendar, the chinese new year 2011 is the year of the rabbit. It is the Xin-Mao year. Xin (Metal) is the worlds eighth of the ten celestial stems and Mao (Rabbit) is the fourth of the twelve terrestrial branches and marks the year of the Rabbit or Hare.

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