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Checkout Online Patent, PCT Filing, Trademark, Company Registration Services By one IPR Law Firm

Among these types of company law services, Patent registration in india is one of the most recommended services highly demanded by various types of corporate houses. Patent registration is one of the most popular company law services in India that includes preventing and protecting the innovatively invented product by getting stolen, copied, selling or importing of product by an authorized person. Patent registration is a powerful tool that prevents one’s invention from getting stolen by any third party. Patent registration in India involves granting a type of certificate in the form of ownership to owner of patent.Ownership is generally provided by the government on applying patent registration by its inventor.

Apart from Patent registration, there is another law service which is mostly recommended by various types of law firms in India named trademark registration that includes registration of logo, any design, word phase or any mark that turn out as trademark of a particular company. It is one of the law services which are mostly demanded by different types of business or corporate houses. Trademark registration brings unique identity to its company in the international market. It is very helpful in case of same product in the market by different manufacturers.

IPR law firms are very common in international market. Intellectual Property Rights are the rights that are very commonly used in corporate world. In India you will find various types of law firms that offer types of IPR law services. In these rights one can find the valuable protection of human mind, skill, efforts and labor. In this corporate world the intellectual property is defined by copyright, trademark and design. It is differ from other types of property in term of its value and usage. Due to rise of commerce, trade, growth in various sectors of economy and advancement of technology, it raises the demand of intellectual property rights in this international market. In this infringement of intellectual property rights are there to prevent the unauthorized use of property or causes damage and injury to the person and intellectual property of others.

PCT filing is another area of major concern in the field of corporate law services. Patent cooperation treaty plays an important role under pct filing where it provides an agreement between different parties of the world providing basic guidelines pertaining to the filing of patent applications under PCT. It is mainly a treaty for cooperation that enables one in PCT filing procedure, searching and examination of patent. The application under PCT is required to be filed as per the rules and regulations governing the treaty and must be define all the details in one of the languages accepted by the competent searching authority, which has been opted by the applicant.

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