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Hi everyone I just wanted to inform people that the advertising venue's being used today are becoming more and more unique. Gone are the days of just blasting off ads to your list and hoping to get sign ups. It WON'T HAPPEN. If you buy list's chances are they are so out dated that you will get delivery failure and if they do get through the spam software will take care of it. No in today’s WEB 2.0 world it is all about content. You have to talk to people and sell yourself, let people know that you are a real person with opinions and maybe, just maybe a little bit of experience in things that you have done while on the planet. That is why what ever you choose to undertake on the net it should be something that you have a passion for because with passion chances are you will have knowledge to go along with it. It could be anything from "gardening" to "politics" to “religion", but I would watch the last two as nothing can start an all out brawl faster than those to subjects, lol.
For me the two things that I have my passion for are "sports" and "online marketing". I started a sports social network called “the sporting news and write a lens on squidoo on the same topic. , today you are finding that there are more and more web site’s popping up that have affiliate programs for building referrals and content that ultimately lead to advertising products and services, one that I will tell you about can actually be a source of content for your blogs and articles while letting you earn money and credits to advertise your own products and services.
This is ultimately where the method to my madness for writing this blog comes from. There are some new advertising sites and affiliate programs which I wanted to make people aware of so here they are. Let me point out before I begin that these program are new and in some cases have only been on the web for days or even hours. So here they are.
Traffic Cricket is a unique Text Ad Exchange, where all members’ ads are placed
on time viewing ensuring a successful view of your ad!

Earn FREE Solo Ads – We Reward YOU for viewing!
FREE RANDOM REWARDS For All Active Members!
Points are easily redeemed from your member’s area for the advertising of your choice.
Only $5 gets you 24/7 Access to our Online Conference Center and Much More! You also enter the Mega Wealth Cash Flow System 3x2 Forced Matrix!
And while you are not required to sponsor anyone, those whom you do, will follow you into Our Featured Program at Fortune5Minutes
Here’s how it works
1. Only $5.00 gets you our Mega Wealth Online Training and much more! You also enter The Mega Wealth Cash Flow System's 3x2 Forced Matrix!

2. Once you cycle the small 3x2 Matrix. You will receive a Paid Life Time Membership into Fortune5Minutes, $25 Cash into Your Solid Trust or Alert Pay account and A Paid Re-Entry Back into the Mega Wealth 3x2 Matrix.
As your personally sponsored members cycle, they will follow you into
your Fortune5Minutes 3x2 Matrix.

3. Each additional time you cycle. You will receive $50 Cash into Your Solid Trust or Alert Pay account and A Paid Re-Entry Back into the Mega Wealth 3x2 Matrix. This will continue to Force Members into your Fortune5Minutes Matrix.

Live Weekly Training
24/7 Live Conference Center
All You Do Is Promote:
Promote Any Web Site With Targeted Text Ads
• Set up unlimited text ads
• Track results in real-time.
• Run double blind campaigns.
• Change ads any time, day or night!
Set Up Your Account Today. Be Up and Running In Minutes!
• 24/7 Online Access.
• No software to download.
• No manuals to read.
• No complicated lessons to follow.
About Qassia
Qassia is a credit-driven intelligence engine coupled to a cascading tag-based web directory. What exactly does this mean? It means that Qassia will change your life.
Good stuff your websites will like
At Qassia, you can add your websites for free, and without having to add reciprocal backlinks. You'll get unlimited quality backlinks (as opposed to "no-follow" backlinks). You can also add intel. Short for "intelligence", intel is a tidbit of information. Qassia rewards users who add intel in three ways.
1. Backlinks You get one backlink for every piece of intel you add. Every intel will carry a direct backlink to one of your sites. So the more intel you add, the more backlinks you get.
2. Credit When you add intel, you also get credit, in the form of Qassia dollars. Your net worth in Qassia dollars determines how well your websites rank in our directory.
3. Revenue When your intel is displayed, you get 100% of the advertising revenue generated by that page. That is not a typo, by the way: we give you ALL of the gross ad revenue.
This means that website owners have triple incentive to contribute intel. The contributed intel will allow Qassia to become a vast repository of intelligence, with unrivalled original content. And a vast amount of original content draws traffic like honey draws ants.
In late 2005, a team of developers created Squidoo to bring Web 2.0 tools together in one place. Since then, the site has steadily grown to become one of the top 1000 sites on the net.
And unlike sites like MySpace, Squidoo's simplicity and more serious approach to marketing allows you to present a professional appearance without touching a single speck of website code.
I include Squidoo in my marketing and it does not cost me a dime.
Squidoo is great for:
• Establishing Yourself As An Expert
• Affiliate Marketing
• Search Engine Optimization
• List Building
• "Me" Marketing
Well that’s about it for now. I hope this article was helpful to people and I believe the services mentioned in it will truly help give any online business a leg up on the competition. By for now,
Sincerely Walter Webb

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