OpenCoffee Club

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BrainBakery Ltd* has been around for a while (we registered the company in June, but have been together much longer), but we've been a bit secretive until now... so I should probably introduce myself and the team!

I started BrainBakery with my cousin in January last year, having worked with him on small projects for years. Shortly afterwards we embarked on a mad-cap project somewhat similar to WeedShare, only not a pyramid multi-level marketing scheme. From start to premature finish it was a fantastic journey through 25,000 lines of code(!), grey-haired investors, endless recruiting, marketing, TAX(!) and all sorts.

It was good fun, but it looked like it was going to wipe out our savings the moment it launched. We had a go at the investment route, but as we hadn't heard of people like Saul we had to put up with people who were a bit too... um... "out of touch" with our market. In the end we decided to shelve the project for something a little less ambitious.

The upshot of this hard work, which we all did with full time jobs or university degrees, was that we expanded the team and learned some important lessons. Now with feet firmly on the ground, we've got a rather tasty little business that's scaling well, attracting great clients and everyone is happy.

*we're aware the website's a bit naff... but we're too busy to improve it, which is probably a good thing. No one looks at it anyway...

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