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I surf the Internet everyday to stay updated and find information that I may seize upon, Such information could be on the next big thing, on a significant shift or trend, or even something that reinforces the status quo in my little corner of the world.

This 2007, Visual FoxPro's demise, the opensourcing of Adobe Flex, discovering Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs, Asus' $200 laptop, and the Delphi and C++ Builder Roadmap all reinforce the status quo and really encourages me to continue what I have been at which is developing Win32 applications.

The end-of-life of Visual FoxPro means one less competing platform left standing. Adobe Flex's "opensourcing", a means to hasten adoption and a response to Microsoft's announcement of Silverlight, signals Adobe Flex's lack of adoption so that means I can still wait. I have never built software that run on cellphones or handhelds although I wish I had and could but it no longer looks promising with the introduction of the $200 laptop.

Being compelled to migrate to new platforms as dictated by industry trends is one of the biggest banes in a software entrepreneur's life. Having to continually port base libraries and applications to the next platform and the next can really interrupt a software entrepreneur's life. Gladly, operating system software have grown so complex and introducing new and revised code have gone incremental and has put a lull to migration work. In the meantime, there is Web 2.0 to fill the lull and it is business as usual.

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