Da, dejstvam zdravo. Ne sym dal otgovor na tova, koeto postavi Pavel kato vyprosi, zashtoto o6te ima kakvo da pomislq, no zapo4nah da izgotvqm edin sravnitalen analiz kak biha izglejdali ne6tata v zavismost dali e B2B, B2C, i t.n. Obmilsqm pordobno neshtata i pravq razni eksperimenti, probvah s eBay search, veroqtno i nqkakva integraciq v snimka.bg (na investor.bg) moje da stane, zapo4nah da si govorq s tqh.
Super za Dido ot Netage, predpolagam si mu kazala nqkoq dobra duma ;) 6te mu pi6a dnes ili naj-kysno utre. sledva6tata sedmica ne sym v sofiq, no rabota prodyljava. Shte te dyrja v techenie
Hi Georgi. I was wondering if you can help point me to some web tech startup blogs in Bulgaria. I'm doing research for my MBA project.
My purpose is to compare the differences in tech startup environments across Europe. I have conducted some quantitative research but was wondering if you can provide some subjective insight on the startup scene in your region.
I only have two questions and you can write as much or as little as you like. Your responses may be kept anonymous and confidential if you wish.
Question 1:
How entrepreneurial do you consider yourself? Your peers? Your area in general? How do you think it compares to US, rest of EU, UK?
Question 2:
Do you feel you have enough local resources to start your business? What are they? E.g. News sites, blogs, groups, VCs. How adequate are they? How easy is it for a startup?
Comment Wall (5 comments)
Da, dejstvam zdravo. Ne sym dal otgovor na tova, koeto postavi Pavel kato vyprosi, zashtoto o6te ima kakvo da pomislq, no zapo4nah da izgotvqm edin sravnitalen analiz kak biha izglejdali ne6tata v zavismost dali e B2B, B2C, i t.n. Obmilsqm pordobno neshtata i pravq razni eksperimenti, probvah s eBay search, veroqtno i nqkakva integraciq v snimka.bg (na investor.bg) moje da stane, zapo4nah da si govorq s tqh.
Super za Dido ot Netage, predpolagam si mu kazala nqkoq dobra duma ;) 6te mu pi6a dnes ili naj-kysno utre. sledva6tata sedmica ne sym v sofiq, no rabota prodyljava. Shte te dyrja v techenie
Pozdravi i priqten weekend :)
My purpose is to compare the differences in tech startup environments across Europe. I have conducted some quantitative research but was wondering if you can provide some subjective insight on the startup scene in your region.
I only have two questions and you can write as much or as little as you like. Your responses may be kept anonymous and confidential if you wish.
Question 1:
How entrepreneurial do you consider yourself? Your peers? Your area in general? How do you think it compares to US, rest of EU, UK?
Question 2:
Do you feel you have enough local resources to start your business? What are they? E.g. News sites, blogs, groups, VCs. How adequate are they? How easy is it for a startup?
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Have I told you about my new startup? If you like watching movies, you may be interested.
Mobile: +44 (0) 750 225 5647
Blog: http://www.londonsf.com
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