In Ireland there are 828 members of the LinkedIn OpenCoffee group. I made a map showing the 20 OpenCoffee groups that have formed in the 2 years since the coffee started pouring. Some are still around, a few fizzled and a few took a break for the summer. See the map here:
I'm curious to hear from other OpenCoffees ahead of us in development... Is there a maturity and growth to these networks? Is there a tendency to fizzle? What is a good size? What is too small or large?
I'm really enjoying our OpenCoffee group in Sligo which we started in April. We probably do it a bit differently, more formal, as in we have speakers sometimes. We weren't sure people would "get it" at first. I'd like to see it evolve to be in keeping with the original idea of an open relaxed co-working or drop-in type space at some point.
It's been a great inspiration and lots of fun. So thanks to Saul and everyone who started before us.
I'll be talking about OpenCoffee at an Ignite Talk in Dublin tomorrow night. If any open coffee folks are around, I'd love to chat.