OpenCoffee Club

Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet

Ok, so further to my previous post about a Birmingham OC Club, it seems that from the responses it may make sense to initially set-up an OpenCoffee Club Midlands as there's a number of belts of innovation within that area and it isn't all just in the centre of Brum.

So this is an official posting, if you are interested in joining us then leave a response, we are looking to hold the innaugral meeting at the end of the month or first week of June at the latest, John Ling ( and Kevin Johnson ( will be Joining me in kicking this off, location TBA real soon and firm date.

Hope to see you all there for coffee, beer, hanging-out and diving into the new-stuff!

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Hi sounds perfect, please let me know time, place, etc. Cheers.
Good initiative, I'm up for that. Business Link says there's loads of funders, courses, etc and DTI Mustard Programme is also a good source - be great to get folk from then in on this, hint hint. My top issues to chat about? Funding cashflow as it all goes up the hockey stick and getting a committed network of excellent associates behind you.
having spent the best part of a year washing around the various programmes, there certainly are opportunities. But some of them are well-kept secrets. The system to connect projects to money is imperfect. But then again so are most markets!

by the way, as this is a midlands version, it probably won't be just coffee. It may have to involve a beer too.

looking forward to the first one..




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