OpenCoffee Club

Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet

What do you put on your Blog? I've cut back blogging as of late because I just couldn't come up with any good ideas to write about. My company isn't idle; we're in the process of launching a new product, but I don't want to brag too much about it before it's released.
How much about your company to you write about?

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even i m opf the same openion i always has the confucion of will it b gud to talk abt my company publically since it may be copied but there is one thing when u talk abt u r company wit a group u r really gettin a real life situation where u r company g oes public the'l give u ideas and openions which is a must in a company startup
Hi Timothy
I prefer the kind of online social networking where you try to forget about promoting your business and just join in conversations, like you would if you were out socializing generally. I know it sounds daft, but I was advised to do this by an online social networking consultant (Nik Butler) who told me to blog about `something useful'. At a loss for what else to write about, I created so I could take a humorous look at getting started in online social networking aimed at technophobes and non-geeks. Within weeks of posting my first blog (second still in gestation!) I was asked to write an article on the subject for a magazine, and was interviewed by local radio. The article has also been picked up by an online magazine. I got free advertising for my business (an online directory of vetted professional service providers) and so discovered that mad as it sounds, it is worth using social media to offer something useful, be yourself, and your business will benefit!

Get back out their blogging!





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