OpenCoffee Club

Place for people who love startups to hang out and meet


I didn't have much time to communicate about the Paris OpenCoffee as I'm starting fund-raising for my project. It's something I will do in the coming days, with the Help of Alessandro Magri (the owner of the place hosting the OpenCoffee). We need to fine tune the organization and proceed to some local adaptations. The French are used to being introduced to groups rather than sailing through groups introducing themselves. Of course many French people do it, but many don't. We will arrange things to help new comers to get a warm welcome and get fast introduction to the groups to make them comfortable.

Another thing we have to work on is VCs attendance. As some VCs underlined, the French investors community is not very prone to such public and informal events, and we seriously lack their attention. Anyway we saw Jean-David Chamboredon (3i) once, some people from Sweeft came twice, and one VC from Innovacom came as well. But we can't say there is a real investors presence as in London. This is something we need to work on seriously, and we will.

Anyway, all the feedbacks from attendees were great. People like the concept very much. I noticed a 30% to 70% turnover from one week to the next. About 20 people can be considered as coming on a regular basis. We had between 40 to 80 attendees since the beginning, except Thursday, April 12th. The main explanation is that we are on school holidays in Paris and many people consequently left the city.

I've been contacted by people from Lyons, Marseilles and Bordeaux, who are considering opening a local OpenCoffee. I gave them some advice and recommended a thorough reading of Saul's blog posts to absorb the OpenCoffee concept. Some came to Paris OpenCoffee.

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